In-APP Illustration
An illustration proposal for, a B2B sourcing platform.
The project goal was to develop an illustration route for the APP 8.0 update.
There are 3 main challenges for the project:
The illustration must be made easy to be modularized and kept low maintenance.
We needed to avoid any potential PR risk that might be caused by inappropriate usage of the human form.
The illustration needed to be made easy to understand with minimal cause for misunderstanding.
3 proposal were up for selection. This proposal end up being selected and now under further development.
#Art Direction
![Artboard 1-3.png](
![Artboard 1.png](
![Artboard 1-1.png](
![Scene 2.png](
![Scene 3.png](
![Hand Holding App Ui Screen Presentation Mockup1.jpg](